A cross-border civil society meeting was organized recently in Bangui, CAR to discuss strategies to stop the LRA. Initiated by the Regional Civil Society Task Force on LRA, leaders and civil society representatives from LRA-affected areas of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Central African Republic (CAR), and South Sudan, and members of the Gulu District Reconciliation and Peace Team (DRPT) who were facilitated by Invisible Children, met from September 3-6 to to discuss regional peacebuilding and reconciliation.

This visit was steered by the leaders’ and civil society organizations’ desire to share experiences and information and to better understand and appreciate the circumstances in the countries currently affected by the LRA. The meeting focused on obtaining a deeper understanding of the LRA’s local dynamics in the currently affected areas, as well as the desire to continue to pursue strategies and efforts to mitigate the disastrous effects of the LRA conflict in the region and eventually find a lasting solution.

The meeting resolutions included: (1) Continue a collective pursuit to engage policy makers and advocate for measures to resolve the conflict. (2) Engage governments and policy makers to be more present in affected areas isolated and far from capitals that have poor infrastructures and communication systems. (3) Call for effective protection of civilians given the LRA’s known record of reprisals. (4) Advocate for a timely response to the needs of the affected communities in terms of humanitarian support, psychosocial services, and livelihood. (5) Reintegration in the countries involved to call on their governments and the international community to support community centers that can contribute to psychosocial health of former combatants and the affected communities especially women, children and youth. (6) Reach out to the LRA in order to encourage their safe return into the communities. (7) To impress the governments of the countries affected to put in place legislation to encourage defection and to finally continue with advocacy efforts at local, national, and international levels.

This was yet another great learning and sharing experience for all parties involved. It clearly showed the need to work together to realize lasting peace and protection of civilians. Invisible Children continues to be committed to a comprehensive approach towards resolving the LRA conflict as called for by the regional partners. On October 11, 2012, a follow-up meeting will be held in Gulu, northern Uganda, convened by the Gulu DRPT and supported by Invisible Children. The meeting will see the involvement of legislators, civil society organizations, cultural leaders, religious leaders, opinion leaders, Uganda government officials, and the media.

The list of partners involved:
• Jeunesse Unie pour la Protection de L’enviromennent et le Developpment
Communautaire (JUPEDEC) – Central African Republic
• The Inter Church Commission for Western Equitorial State, South Sudan.
• Solidarite Assistance Intergrale aux Personnes Demunies – Democratic Republic of Congo

• Commission, Diocesaire de Justice Paix et Reconciliation (CDJPR) – Democratic Republic
of Congo
• Association pour la formation rurale (APRU) – Democratic Republic of Congo
• Reseau des Organisation Ferminines des Ueles (ROFU) – Democratic Republic of Congo
• Toto Chan – South Sudan
• Acholi Religious Leaders Peace Inititive (ARLPI) – Uganda
• Gulu District Reconciliation and Peace Team (DRPT) – Uganda
• Justice and Peace Commission (JPC) – Uganda
• Invisible Children
• Conciliation Resources – United Kingdom