
“Reproductive health is a topic not many parents and youth in Uganda openly talk about; this has posed a major challenge in the lives of many youth in northern Uganda,” says Patience Ayecan, a specialist working with Reproductive Health Uganda.

Patience, a guest speaker at the Legacy Scholarship Program (LSP) students and parent/guardian gathering was there to strengthen reproductive health knowledge among the youth. She said the greatest challenge she has faced in doing her work is the way in which most youth she interfaces with fear to open up, making it challenging for her to assist them. The issues would be less difficult to handle if people talked about them more and understood them better.

“We should have more of such talks like these because they are beneficial to us, the youth. I have learned that I should work on my self esteem,” says Monica, a student at Gulu High School.

The students were given advice on peer relationships, while parents were also reminded to be fully a part of their children’s academic and social lives.

The Legacy Scholarship Program take a holistic approach in the development of each and every child in the program, meeting with students regularly to discuss relevant topics like this one. Students are also encouraged to develop other talents outside of academics, through participation in sports and debate.