Fourth Estate Summit, Day 2

Two days down, one to go.

Today the Fourth Estate Summit-ers started their morning by hearing from our CEO Ben Keesey, complete with tidbits of wisdom (“You are not defined by what you do or the scale in which you do it. You are defined by who you are”) and embarrassing-ish photos (see below fuzzy background).

Ben Keesey for President

iO Tillett Wright, Dale Partridge, and Dan Pallotta all took to the stage with insightful and empowering advice: The importance of throwing your life’s roadmap out the window when you get in the car, searching for truth and looking for change, and anchoring your life in the reality of the beautiful mystery of life.

Invisible Children’s Director of International Programs Adam Finck, and the Head of Regional Office Patrick Munduga spoke about our innovative programs in central Africa that show kidnapped women, children, and abducted fighters how and where it is safe to escape, and then help them return home and reintegrate into their communities.

Patrick and Adam

The day continued with breakout sessions (so many options, so little time) and the not-so-common Common Good Exchange where over 60 top brands talked with participants and showed them how and why they do what they do. We believe in days that are utterly jam-packed so we sprinkled in an exclusive Broadway-bound show and super secret band performances for good measure.

Main sessions, breakout sessions, music sessions. We freakin’ love sessions.

We are livestreaming the Fourth Estate Summit over the course of the long weekend so that anyone and everyone can take part in the event. Join us for all the world-changing fun.