On February 19th, 2014 a vehicle transporting Invisible Children defection equipment was ambushed by armed LRA forces about 28 kilometers from Obo, Central African Republic (CAR). Security forces shot one of the assailants, and the civilians all fled into the bush. The vehicle was found completely burned a few hours later –  valuable solar panels, generators and batteries that were used for community trainings are gone, presumed stolen by the LRA.This stolen equipment is a crucial component to continuing life saving work in central Africa. Here are just five reasons why we love Community Defection Committees.

burnt out vehicle cdc

1. It is the missing piece between Defection Programing + Rehabilitation.

“We can drop a million fliers, but if there’s no one on the ground to receive LRA when they try to defect, we’re missing opportunities”. -Sean Poole, Counter-LRA Programs Manager. 

Community Defection Committees exist to bridge the gap between the defection messaging being presented to LRA combatants and the process of rehabilitation + reintegration.  While defection materials have proven to be effective at convincing LRA combatants to surrender, the mechanisms in place to accept LRA who want to leave have been missing. So, now the civilians who are closest to this conflict are included in the development of defection tactics and community rehabilitation

Mobile Cinema in Djabir

2. It empowers the communities affected most by LRA violence to lead the regional effort to peacefully dismantle the LRA from within.

These Invisible Children supported committees are formed in strategically located communities that have experienced LRA violence or those already identified as Safe Reporting Sites (SRSs). Additionally, these particular communities are strategic either because of their geographical location, UN presence, or because of specific LRA activity.

3. It bridges the gap between fear and forgiveness.

Through community sensitization, local members of these communities are both equipped and prepared to accept LRA defectors. This allows for long term peace to be built and sustained in these communities and for each community to come up with its own, locally appropriate defection initiatives. As a part of CDC training, communities are encouraged to create their own defection materials so potential defectors can be assured that communities are extending their own invitations to surrender.

4. It increases the safety of those escaping the LRA

Not only does it increase the security of those in LRA affected communities, but it also affects the safety of the LRA defector. Many active LRA combatants are not there by choice but were abducted as children.These CDC committee members are walked through protocol detailing how to handle defectors beginning from first encounter all the way to handing the defector over the appropriate authorities.

5. It doesn’t take much – but it saves lives.

The cost of Community Defection Committees, Mobile Cinema, and the community sensitization process are relatively inexpensive, but it greatly impacts the entire defection process. Through the safe defection of LRA members, CDC saves the lives of escaping LRA, but its impact is even greater, as it subsequently encourages other to leave the group because they hear (through our ‘come home messaging’ link) about their friend’s who are now safely home.