On June 15, 2012, Fatou Bensouda became the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC). For the Global Summit on the LRA at MOVE:DC, she sent Dianne Luping, a Trial Lawyer in the ICC’s division of Prosecution to speak on the panel. Soon thereafter, we received the below video from Ms. Bensouda. A personal video from the Chief Prosecutor of the ICC? Um, yes please. And if you’re interested, some of my favorite quotes from the video message are below.
“I cannot overstate the importance of arresting the Lord’s Resistance Amy commanders sought by the International Criminal Court. Joseph Kony and the other top leaders of the LRA are wanted for war crimes and crimes against humanity in northern Uganda. The horrific crimes we alleged include the killing, maiming, abducting, and sexual enslavement of children and adults.”
“In the more than seven years since the ICC issued arrest warrants, the LRA under Joseph Kony has continued to commit brutal crimes…The United Nations now estimates that there are close 450,000 people displaced in those LRA-affected areas. This year alone, the LRA attacks have left 40 people dead and close to 200 abducted.”
“You should be proud for having brought the attention of people around the world the importance of action to combat the LRA and bring its top leaders to justice. Thanks to your efforts, millions of people are now aware of the scale and significance of the LRA crimes against innocent victims.”
“You are living proof that ordinary citizens can make a difference.”
Think people should hear about this?