Apologies for the late post this Monday. Just came back from Coachella where I had an INCREDIBLE conversation with pioneers At The Drive In, who were talking about the importance of the role that music has to play in spreading the message of human connectivity. We’ll release the video later this week.

Until then… enjoy these tunes. Don’t forget that we’re providing links so that you can support these wonderful artists to keep doing what they love.

Grab this Monday Mini Mixtape #12 HERE or on GrooveShark.

  1. THE LUMINEERS “1599 Hey Ho” – Beware.. once you start playing this song, you won’t be able to stop.
  2. LITTLE RED “Rock It” – A great track from one of our editors’ (Jay) mixtapes.
  3. KO KO “Float” – Caught these guys at Neon Gold’s west coast Popshop… have an indie-euro vibe even though I’m sure they’re LA natives. Don’t miss them.
  4. SUCRÉ “No Return” – You remember Sucré right? Stacy’s vocals are too beautiful.
  • CROCODILES “Sunday” – SD locals. Fuzz has never been more catchy.
  • KISHI BASHI “It All Began With A Burst” – Almost Animal Collective feeling, Kishi’s songs are sincere and wonderfully layered.
  • BLACK LIGHT DINNER PARTY “Older Together” – Groovin. Also from Jay.
  • ANIMAL KINGDOM “Strange Attractor” – Alex Collins sharing
  • ZOLA JESUS “In Your Nature (David Lynch Remix)” – Powerhouse.
  • DAUGHTER “Medicine” –  She played our SXSW event and was INCREDIBLE live. This song is magically heartbreaking. Keep your kleenex near.
  • xoKENNY