We’re continuing our four-part model video series this week by featuring our Mobilization Programs. Accompanying the premiere of our weekly videos, we have a four question blog series which highlights a staff member that works within that program.
Meet Zach Barrows. He is our Movement Director, a former teacher, a new dad, and most people around the office refer to him as Coach Barrows. As the head of our Movement Department, Zach orchestrates most of our Mobilization initiatives: he oversees our national film tours, manages IC|Citizen (the political advocacy wing of IC), and is one of the main brains behind the planning and execution of our international events (Cover The Night, MOVE:DC, Fourth Estate Summit, just to name a few). Without further ado…
1. What are four things that your job entails doing every day?
Thinking, meeting, reading, writing
2. Besides your amazingly cool job, what four other professions you would love to do?
Teach high school, coach the Boston Bruins, surf professionally, make movies
3. You’re often called Coach Barrows. Who are your four favorite athletes of all time?
Wayne Gretzky, Doug Flutie, Ray Lewis, Ellis Burks
4. One important facet of our mobilization program is the movement team that you lead here in the office. What four adjectives would you use to describe the movement team?
Humble, tireless, principled, joyful
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