Today Kenny Laubbacher (our beloved Director of Artist Relations) is celebrating another year of life. Which led him to reflect and share some of the things he’s learned along the way. Yes please.


DREAM IT INTO EXISTENCE: Believe it’s possible and other’s will too. Surround yourself with dreamers because the more people who think the impossible can happen, the higher probability that it will happen.

PRIORITIZE EXPERIENCE: Over money. Over sleep. Over comfort.

PLAN/PREPARE: Whether it’s for a project or a date or a meal, take the time to think it through, plan it out and make it the best it can be. By nature I’m extremely spontaneous so it has been a huge lesson for me to think things through before just jumping on in.

EVERYONE HAS A STORY: If you can appreciate this idea, then you’ll be excited to learn more about everyone you meet. Through your caring curiosity you’ll help them feel understood and loved which will make them happier people and the world will be better for it.

GET OBSESSED: If you like something, learn to love it all the way. Explore it, turn it inside out and learn everything about it. Even if it’s just for a period in your life, getting obsessed with something specific will provide so much wisdom universally and you’ll be better for it. The more things you like, the easier it will be to connect with other people who like that same thing.

DANCE: It’s fun and makes you feel good. I used to not like to dance because I’m uber self conscious… once you can let go, life is so much more fun.

LOOK PEOPLE IN THE EYES: I think I’ve always been pretty shy; this is just something random I noticed in myself and you connect so much more with someone when looking them in the eyes. Hmmm, now that I’m writing this it sounds kind of creepy.

PAY YOUR PARKING TICKETS: No matter how long you wait… they don’t go away. If you get a ticket: THE MAN HAS WON… just pay him or he’ll take more of your monies later when that ticket doubles.

SAY “YES AND…”: I learned this from Tina Fey who learned it from improv. Train yourself for your natural response to be “Yes, and…”. If you’re a naturally positive person you’ll create so much more opportunities for yourself while being supportive of the people around you.

JUMP FIRST FEAR NEVER: Just take that job. Just talk to that girl. If you crash and burn, learn why you did and be better for it next time. It’s okay to fail so there’s no need to be afraid of it. To increase success, double your failure rate.