A week and a half ago we asked you to contact your members of Congress and encourage them to sign onto a letter aimed at President Obama and his administration, asking that they remain committed to ensuring a future with #zeroLRA. That’s zero men, women, and children abducted by Joseph Kony and forced to inflict violence upon innocent civilians.
Clearly, your voices are working. Members of Congress are responding and they are representing your voices in Washington by signing on. As I write this, 58 Representatives and 14 Senators have signed onto their respective letters. More so, we’re encouraged by the amount of bi-partisan support that these letters have garnered. This truly is something we can all agree on.
Now, down to business: We have less than 24 hours to get this number to 100. Today, above anything else, we need you to call your members of Congress and urge them to stay committed to #zeroLRA by signing their respective letter. This may seem like a daunting task, but keep in mind that these men and women represent you and because of this they want to hear from you. So speak kindly and with confidence and conviction and you’ll blow them away.
After you’ve called your members of Congress who haven’t signed on, take a moment to check out this blog, and call or tweet your members who have, and thank them for their commitment. A genuine thank you goes a long way in Washington, and they’ll be incredibly appreciative of it.
That’s that. Give everything you have today to ensure a world with #zeroLRA and then check back with us on Monday to find out the final tally. And If you need extra motivation, here’s a classic hair-metal anthem to get you pumped for those phone calls. You got this.
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