
I’ve given you a lot of TED Talks to watch over the past few months, but this one deserves a look. I mean it. Bryan Stevenson, founder and executive director of the Equal Justice Initiative, discusses the important and inextricable connection between our identity as a society, what we talk about, and what we care about. In his talk, Stevenson identifies one of the most toxic habits of our generation: the ability to insulate ourselves, so that everything becomes someone else’s problem.

Stevenson dropped so many quote-worthy lines (seriously, I kept pausing the video to scribble down his words), but my favorite is this:

I believe that our identity is at risk. That when we don’t actually care about these difficult things, the positive and wonderful things are nonetheless implicated. We love innovation, we love technology, we love creativity, we love entertainment – but ultimately those realities are shadowed by suffering, abuse, degradation, marginalization….We will not be fully human until we connect with injustice.

Stevenson’s talk is motivating, thought-provoking, wise, and – most importantly – truthful.

What do you think our society needs to talk about more?

Learn more about injustice caused by the Lord’s Resistance Army and how you can be part of the solution.