If you have ever taken a selfie (and if you were born after 1985, you definitely have), you know that the perfect selfie demands a delicate dance of photographic conditions. Chin titled downward. Hair parted and cascading with balanced vivacity down both shoulders. Lighting in front of the face. Flash off. And finally — now this is key — arm outstretched and held at an approximate 25 degree angle above eye level.

Whoever criticizes Milennials of being the “Me Generation” (I’m looking at you, TIME magazine) clearly has not seen the latest trend in selfies. Introducing the best selfie we’ve ever seen: the unselfie.


#Unselfie is a campaign asking followers to do good for others. Photo credit: TakePart

The #unselfie is a campaign asking us to snapshot aid groups and charities rather than ourselves. Unselfies flip selfies on their narcissistic heads by inspiring people to action for humanitarian good.

Unselfies started as a response to Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines, asking people to take a picture of themselves with a sign over their faces entreating support for relief groups. The United Nations Foundation is even embedding the #unselfie campaign into its national #GivingTuesday movement: the Tuesday following Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday, when people are encouraged to donate to their favorite charities.


Finally, a world where selfies don’t have to be selfish. We love movements like this that inspire global action for others. So as Thanksgiving and Giving Tuesday approach, get your camera ready for some unselfies. Doing good has never looked so good.

Learn more about our work to rescue and rehabilitate child soldiers of Joseph Kony’s rebel army.