Hope everyone’s Monday is well! The weekend was wonderful. I think I’m not alone in saying it should have lasted longer. This intentionally mellow + relaxed playlist will ease us all into the work week. Cheers!
01. HALLS – ” Aside” :: This mix starts out slow with one of my newest musical obsessions, Halls. Samuel Howard, aka Halls, recently released his sophomore LP, Love to Give. Not only do I love the LP in its entirety but this song has made its way onto my “morning commute playlist”. Slow, lo-fi, + hauntingly beautiful goodness. What else could you ask for?
02. RACING GLACIERS – “South” :: I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I’m a sucker for a song with a build-up. This inspiring tune has been my go-to for making everyday activities feel victorious and full of adventure. The piano. The trumpet. I am slain.
02. CONNOR HARRISON ScHULTZE – “Whitewashed” :: This lo-fi track from the Dallas native, Connor Harrison Shultze, is best described as cheerfully lethargic. Its a short track, but that’s easily counterbalanced by my habit of listening to it on-loop.
04. GEORGE EZRA – “Budapest” :: Budapest is on my travel bucket list and this song should be on your music bucket list. As someone who grew up on Bob Dylan, this track really just feels like home. The melody is fun, simple and clean.
05. LOW WEATHER – “Worry” :: As a Missouri native (judge me, I dare you), I love highlighting all of the beauty Missouri has to offer. Enter Low Weather– the indie rock project by Micheal Trieb. Worry is a rich track that really hits the spot for fans of Death Cab for Cutie, Pedro the Lion or Fleet foxes. Spoiler Alert: This is easily my favorite song right now.
06. AIR REVIEW – “Young” :: Last but certainly not least is the track Young. This song is a must-listen for fans of Radical Face or anyone who has ever made an art project with the word “wanderlust” it. It’s my not-so-guilty pleasure and I’ll be listening to it continuously next time I go to Iceland (daydreams, included).
Think people should hear about this?