We are all about impact at Invisible Children.
We began by producing media that matters and learned quickly that our advocacy efforts could do so much more for the people of northern Uganda beyond just sharing their stories. We started asking students throughout the world to offer their support for the region’s students. You answered our call and the results are still astonishing.
At Invisible Children, we are excited about one building in particular. The school’s multipurpose hall is one of the crown jewels, so to speak, of Schools for Schools, an eight-year journey to support LRA-affected schools in Uganda. The nearly completed hall was visited by staff from Invisible Children’s U.S. headquarters, Uganda programs and regional Africa program representatives this week.
What is perhaps the most exciting thing about the building is its size.
“This building is two floors which will be good for assemblies and functions so everyone can come together. We used to assemble just outside,” Eric, a senior 5 student and LSP scholar, said.
The first story of the building will house the school’s library, with furniture provided by Invisible Children. The second story is an assembly hall that can hold over 1,000 people.
Schools for Schools was founded to build and renovate school structures while also improving the schools’ educational climate through capacity building activities such as career guidance sessions, curriculum development and teacher trainings. We have constructed and renovated structures at 11 schools across northern Uganda. While the project has supported the construction and refurbishment of libraries before, the multipurpose hall is in a league of its own as such a large-scale initiative.
At the start of next term, the furniture will be installed in the hall and it will be ready for every day use. Gulu SS boasts an enormous student body – nearly 1,800 students attend the school – so the project will make an enormous difference for this student population.
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