I had never been to a Congressional hearing before yesterday. The highlights:
* The room was packed. It was standing room only by the time the event started.
* Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA), Chairman of the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission, presided over the hearing. I got the feeling that he really cares about this issue. His questions and remarks were right on.
* Father Benoit talked about Commission Diocésaine Justice et Paix (CDJP)’s early-warning radio network—the one that his organization started several years ago and Invisible Children was able to help expand (thanks to everyone who participated in the Frontline Campaign and made that possible).
* Sister Angelique spoke about the region’s desperate need for long-term rehabilitation for LRA victims and their families—including education, psychosocial counseling, vocational training, mentoring, etc.
* Rep. Duncan (R-SC) is self-admittedly new to the LRA issue, but he said that he had seen some videos online and had noticed that young people are really engaged with the LRA issue. He also mentioned a KONY 2012 sticker that he encountered in a Sonic drive-thru in South Carolina.
* Rep. McGovern concluded the hearing by prescribing two action steps for Congress and the White House.
* I saw the liberty triangle on a sidewalk in DC later that night.
Next week Father Benoit and Sister Angelique will be at the United Nations. Stay tuned.
Photo Credit: Lisa Dougan and the staff at Resolve
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