Arkansas, Tennessee, North Carolina (not Raleigh), South Carolina, Savannah (GA)

Ugandan Roadie: Aromorach Agnes

Self-proclaimed team motto: “Insanity at its finest”

Welcome Roadies. Who are you and where are you from?

Laura Weldy (LW): I’m Laura and I’m from Oakdale, Minnesota.

Tessa Stadeli (TS): My name is Tessa and Silverton, Oregon.

Kevo Rivera (KR): I am Kevo and I am from Burbank, California.

Shea Lewis (SL): I’m Shea and I’m from Orange County, California.

How did you come to be involved with Invisible Children as Roadies?

LW: In college [at University of Minnesota-Morris Campus], I was studying human rights work and showed The Rough Cut to a class when I was a teachers assistant. I realized this was what I wanted to do, so I postponed grad school and now I’m here.

TS: I saw The Rough Cut in high school and then went to The Rescue. I was part of the 25 campaign, and went to the Fourth Estate and met Tiffany and interned here last semester.

KR: I was bored one night in 2006 and saw this event posting on MySpace for the Global Night Commute. The next day I watched The Rough Cut and it changed my life. I started an IC Club in high school, and during college was an intern.

SL: I saw the Rough Cut in 7th grade and felt a calling from God 3 months ago to apply to be a Roadie.

What TV show could you watch all day, every day?

LW: 30 Rock.

TS: Modern Family.

KR: Dr. Who.

SL: Sons of Anarchy & Rescue Me.

What are your pet peeves?

LW: When people recite lines in movies before they are said on screen. And only leaving a little bit of milk in the carton and putting it back in the fridge.

You would hate living at my house – we do all of those things. Tessa?

TS: I don’t like when people wear the same two colors on top and on bottom…especially if the shades are different.

KR: I get irrationally upset when people end phrases with prepositions.

SL: When someone says something and then says “but”…like…you did a great job but…

Gotcha. What are your biggest fears?

LW: I have an irrational fear of moths. They’re so dusty and gross!

TS: Apathy. Not just in my own life but world apathy. Living a life that’s not meaningful.

KR: I have a fear of tongues. They are like aliens residing in your mouth and you don’t really know if they are supposed to be there. And Zombie Apocalypse. You can’t kill zombies. Aliens, yes, but zombies no.

SL: Breaking up with a girl.

You mean you fear a girl breaking up with you?

SL: No, I mean having to break up with a girl. Have you ever had to do it? It’s terrifying. And I am fearful of rock paper scissors.

I won’t even ask for you to expand on that. If you could have lunch with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?

LW: A crazy writer that I love so I could pick their brain…like Charles McCloskey.

TS: Martin Luther King, Jr.

KR: Joseph Kony…with a GPS tracker.

Best. Answer. Yet. Shea, no pressure.

SL: Jesus.

And finally, what are you most excited to see on the road?

LW: Graceland!

TS: I’m excited to see South Carolina…Myrtle Beach.

KR: Tim McGraw in Nashville. I’m determined to find him and put on his cowboy hat.

SL: I’m looking forward to finding Taylor Swift so I can marry her…I have to find my future wife.

You guys are going to do great things. We’re excited for you to embark on your journey. Spread the word and stop at nothing.


Team Southeast wants to meet you (even if you’re not Tim McGraw or Taylor Swift). Book a screening with them by calling (619) 562-2799 Ext 168 or fill out this form.