1. NO “Another Life” – Obviously I love them. Here’s an anthem.

2. Cults “The Curse” – Cults are so good. Here’s an amazing song that doesn’t get enough lip service.

3. Father John Misty “Hollywood Forever Cemetery Sings” – Former drummer of Fleet Foxes dominating some new tunes.

4. The Shivers “L.I.E.” – Keith writes songs that make my heart hurt. With lyrics like “Give to me your soul / Give to me all the fishes in your wishin bowl”. Ugh.

5. Dreamtapes “Oh No” – So it’s not just a clever name. I feel like I’m in a 60s beach dream when listening to Dreamtapes. Thanks to Mark from YVYNYL for the share!.

6. Yellow Ostrich “The Shakedown” – Got this new track via Nada at FWBA and it’s OUT OF CONTROL good. Kind of sounds Radiohead-ish.

7. You Won’t “Ten Years Old” – Barri Sax.. nuff said.

Happy Monday.

Spotify Lovers: Monday Mini Mixtape 8