One month down, eight more to go. The first four weeks in Austin have absolutely flown by. For two former roadies, the 20 hour drive from San Diego to ATX has been the only familiar territory thus far, the rest of our time here has been a learning experience of the best kind. Just as it has been for most of the Invisible Children family, the roller coaster ride of the past few weeks has been a beautiful mix of humbling, heart wrenching and inspiring. We believe it will prove to be one of those periods in life that is character defining in the moment and life defining 20 years later. The past month has given all of us the opportunity to learn first-hand that few people get to be a part of something that’s rocked them to the core, something infinitely greater than their being, something that they know to be true and worth fighting for with everything they have. Even fewer people get the opportunity to stand taller than the Sierras, firmer than the Redwoods and more immovable than the Pacific as they stare, unwaveringly, into the face of criticism about that one certain truth. That’s why we’re here. That’s why we continue.
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