Katie: “Want to have your mind blown? Today is April.”

We are officially starting the second half of our tour, and we are realizing just how funny life can seem when you spend most of your time in a van. It’s hard to believe that we’ve been on the road for over a month, but the experiences we’ve had so far have been nothing short of an adventure. From breaking down in Lordsburg, NM (have you heard of it? Yea, neither had we) on day one, to meeting Shifters at Wittenberg and taste-testing Cincinnati’s chili, we have been living it up on the road. We have met some of the best IC clubs in this country. The students at Frontier High got creative on how to make Kony famous, and Perry Meridian gave us an “awesome box” and blew us away with how much they understand what being a roadie is like, even though they’ve never been. Not to mention, our host homes have fed us the best food and given us the warmest beds. We are so lucky to be getting to spend time with IC legends while simultaneously recruiting for Gamma Lambda initiation (it’s our fraternity).

The thing that has given us the most inspiration though, is seeing the effect KONY2012 is having on the way we see our role as human beings. We were at a conference for Citizens for Global Solutions and we got to hear about how the success of KONY2012 is giving other people who are working to do good in the world more conviction to continue. One woman said, “The Kony thing set the tone for everything, we can see that the more people who demand change, the more likely it will happen.” That sentiment keeps us going and reminds us how much bigger this is than just us.

The next five weeks are going to be a roller coaster and since our whole team loves roller coasters, we’re ready! The future of Great Lakes will include at least one of the following: visits to haunted prisons, paint parties, or roller derby competitions. We’ll let you know how it goes.


P.S. Shameless plugs are never shameless. Hear about all our adventures here- http://icgreatlakes.tumblr.com/ Who are you to read our blog? We’re here to tell you, who are you not to?