Some incredible stories have come in about how people around the world have been incorporating KONY 2012 into their everyday life. Cover the Night is jump-starting creative ideas about how to keep the crimes of Joseph Kony & the LRA a topic of conversation. A few of our favorites…
Tuscany, Italy: Employees at a global courier purchased 10,000 KONY2012 stickers to adhere to outgoing packages for 3 days of pick-ups and deliveries. If you live in Pisa, Livorno, Lucca, Massa Carrara, or La Spezia, you just might receive your parcel adorned with KONY2012 stickers, reminding you to stop at nothing.
Juarez, Mexico: A production crew from TV station XHIJ-TV channel 44 are using their broadcasting voice to spread awareness. Spotted on the TV show El Cafecito de la Mañana. Making the difference in our world .
Long Beach, New York: From 10:00am until 4:00pm, Geoff Overfield & his group cleaned up a big part of the beach in Long Beach, NY, and then went from town to town driving down main roads putting up posters. They asked to put fliers in store front windows, outside of schools, & local businesses. And then found time for fun with stenciling. No one can say they’re not productive.
Chicago, Illinois: His liberty is bound to him permanently.
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