Get this. Save for watching Arrested Development reruns after a long day at the office, very few things are as close to satisfying as utilizing your talents and passions for the betterment of society.

Eight artists from Berlin set out to do just that.

In the center of Germany’s capital, an interactive city map is in the process of spanning the cobblestone path in honor of Berlin’s 775th birthday. By this map, tourists will be able to take a quick 50-pace stroll through the “city.”

The map—stretched across 2,500 square meters—is being created with stencils, sand, tar, and paint and is set to be completed by the end of August.

This, however, is not Berlin’s first flirt with street artists.

For years, Berlin street artists have been making lasting impressions on their city. In fact, one group recently rounded up abandoned trash and strategically placed it around the city in plastic wrap displays. Check out the video below to view rough cuts of their project.

So, there you have it. Whether you’re strapping hubcaps to telephone poles or writing letters to your representatives, few things are more rewarding than using your abilities and passions to make a real difference in society.


(Photo Credit: BBC News)