Thousands of people, a sea of red shirts, a single purpose. Washington, DC was flooded yesterday with the contagious unity of people who wholeheartedly believe in international justice. To the thousands of those who joined us for MOVE:DC – thank you. Thank you for your commitment to seeing an end to the LRA, your commitment to Invisible Children, and above all, your commitment to proving that where you live shouldn’t determine whether you live. You set a precedent for depth of character and selflessness by showing up.
To the world leaders who attended the Global Summit on the LRA, the policy experts who broke down the hows & whys, the inspirational speakers who challenged us to keep fighting the good fight, and the performers who donated their time to talent to help us end the evening with the Global Dance Night – your involvement made this event the most unforgettable in Invisible Children’s eight year history.
Our cup runneth over.

Gavin & Jason showing off their MOVEs.
“Today felt like a culmination of one of the most powerful years of international justice. It proved without a doubt that thousands and thousands of people still care about and believe in the power of humanity. It goes beyond national statehood; it’s globalized citizenship.” – Jason Russell

Jedidiah leading the march on Pennsylvania Ave
“This year, as amazing as it was, was hard. The difficulty made me doubt the goodness of people. But marching today with thousands of people was tangible proof that man is good. We are making progress. It was all I could have asked for.” – Jedidiah Jenkins

Ben with supporters at the event. And the picture being taken by his very helpful wife, Tiffany.
“This was the most ambitious, logistically challenging and hard to pull off event in our history… but that still may have been an understatement. The level of coordination, movement and simultaneous nature of this event made it unlike anything we have even attempted.” – Ben Keesey

Sophia plugging peace.
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