Driving home from Little League practice one day, 9-year-old Will Lourcey saw a homeless man with a cardboard sign that read “Need a meal.” So he told his mom he wanted to do something. And do something he did.
Taking on the issue of hunger in his community, Will started FROGS: Friends Reaching Our Goals. Their motto? Having fun while helping others. Their mission? Raise money for their local food bank. Reminder? He’s nine.
So far he has raised $20,000 (equivalent to 100,000 meals!) for his local food bank through lemonade stands and dodgeball tournaments, partnered with former NFL running back Ladanian Tomlinson for the Souper Bowl of Caring event, has been honored by Build-A-Bear Workshop Foundation as a “Huggable Hero,” and most recently, was nominated as a CNN Young Wonder at the 2012 CNN Heroes Awards. HE’S NINE. There is nothing I don’t love about this story.
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