This August we’ll be hosting the second-annual Fourth Estate Leadership Summit in Los Angeles, CA where young activists will meet, learn, and gain the experiences that will help them make a difference in their own communities and around the world.
With the event quickly approaching, we want to involve our supporters in all the fun. How? Through a user-generated art contest. For those who have never seen those words together in a sentence: we’re holding a contest that relies on you (a Fourth Estate Summit attendee) to enter original, creative images that spread the ideology of the Fourth Estate.
Invisible Children runs off of creativity and we often express this through the power of words– words placed over an image layered over a picture. We like to call these images: Words that Matter. Here’s an example:
How to enter the contest:
Make a Facebook cover photo incorporating Martin Luther King Jr’s quote:
” The arc of the moral universe is long but it bends toward towards justice.”
Mention or visualize the Fourth Estate Leadership Summit and where it will take place – Los Angeles, CA.
Send your entry to: [email protected]
Upload your image as your profile’s cover photo and tag us in the post.
The rest is digital art history
Image size should be around 815 px by 315 px
More than one entry is allowed as long as the images are different.
1 winner will be chosen and will receive a laptop sleeve and be highlighted on our social platforms.
Other top entries will be highlighted on our blog.
Whether you’re inspired by this year’s Summit aesthetic or want to come up with an entirely different vibe, we can’t wait to see what you come up with. If you’re not the artsy type, we would still love for you to get involved by joining us August 8-11 in Los Angeles, CA for the Fourth Estate Leadership Summit. Find out more information about the Summit and how you can apply to attend [HERE]
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