Patrick Ocan is a member of the Village Savings and Loan Associations group Pur Kwiri Alok, which has the optimistic meaning “there is no loss in farming.” Everyone in the group is a farmer.
For many members of the group, life has been about survival. Completing an education had to be put on the back burner in order to address more immediate concerns, like being able to feed a family.
Patrick was one of those whose education was cut short, leaving in his third year of primary school. When Patrick joined the Invisible Children Uganda VSLA group in 2010, he began participating in weekly Adult Literacy classes. The first thing he learned was how to write his name.
Then he moved on to learn how to write other things, and how to read signs. Patrick says that having this knowledge has made him proud to be a member of the community. Even better, it has made him a proud father who is now able to help his four school-age children with their homework.
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