I’ve always loved mysteries. I love the endless possibilities. I love being afforded the opportunity to get involved in the story and construct theories as complex or as simple as I choose. At times, mystery is more important than knowledge. J.J. Abrams, famous director and creator of LOST, delivers this compelling TedxTalk about his obsession with mystery.
He begins by talking about a mystery box he purchased at a magic store as a child that he has, to this day, has never opened. This mystery box becomes a metaphor as Abrams makes the case that there are a million different mystery boxes. A blank piece of paper or Word document is a kind of mystery box. What are you going to write that’s worthy of the page? What mystery or story are you going to share? It’s all a mystery until it’s on the page, and, even then, the real mystery can’t be constructed until you choose what information to withhold and when to share it.
J.J. Abrams shares some of his own tricks, but you’ll have to watch the TedxTalk to find out via the link below… (#SeeWhatIDidThere #Mystery)
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