1016846_360996124027509_2083828130_nNew Nashville band COIN jumped out at me this morning just in time for a weekend of driving from LA to San Diego to Nevada. Ya.. that’s a lot. They’re just in time to make the soundtrack of “see you laters” as my best friend Shredidiah leaves on a bike trip for 17 months. He’s a happy guys, so these will be happy songs.
The band describe themselves like this:

This is COIN, and we are a product of the ’90s. We decided that everything was too serious; so, we started a new project. Some call it swirly indie party pop. You can call it what you’d like, but we just want to make music that makes you feel good. Whatever does that, yes. Formed in Nashville, TN.

We are named after a horse.

They even give a free download of “Atlas”. Listen and nab here:
