Thank you doesn’t quite cover it.
This week we’ve raised over $15,000– all of which will directly contribute to life saving initiatives on the ground. In case you missed it, here’s our ϟ Flash Alert recap.
What happened?
On February 19th, 2014 a vehicle transporting Invisible Children defection equipment was ambushed by armed LRA forces about 28 kilometers from Obo, Central African Republic (CAR). Security forces shot one of the assailants, and the civilians all fled into the bush. The vehicle was found completely burned a few hours later – valuable solar panels, generators and batteries that were used for community trainings are gone, presumed stolen by the LRA.This stolen equipment is a crucial component to continuing life saving work in central Africa.
What were we working for?
This week, Invisible Children was working to raise $30,000 to replace the equipment taken by the LRA so we can continue to empower citizens in CAR to safely accept LRA combatants who surrender and take part in dismantling the LRA from within through innovative community trainings, including mobile cinema.
What our amazing donors did?
In a little over 3 days, our amazing supporters and donors collectively raised over $15,000– nearly half of the $30,000 we are working to raise. As a result, these communities in LRA-affected regions will continue to receive the training they need to take part in the regional effort to peacefully dismantle the LRA from within.
We can’t thank our incredible supporters enough for the how quickly they responded during a time of need. We are humbled by our supporters’ + donors’ generosity.
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