It’s Comic-Con weekend here in San Diego, and we’re seeing an increasing amount of Justice League costumes on the drive to work. So, we thought we would take the chance to recognize some real-life superheroes.

This month, Representatives Jim McGovern (D-MA) and Ed Royce (R-CA) gained some major brownie points in our book. They have been consistent supporters of our mission over the years, and this time around, they kicked it up a notch.

As President Obama is about to decide whether or not to extend the U.S. advisor mission in central Africa for counter-LRA efforts, Reps. Royce and McGovern wrote a Congressional letter that urges him to stay committed to the mission.

The letter is open in Congress this week – that means that until Friday, more representatives can add their signatures to show their support. We’re doing everything we can to get representatives to sign on, because each signature adds more weight to the message when it lands in the President’s hands in a few weeks.

Get this – 31 representatives have already signed on. We owe a huge thank you to Reps. Royce and McGovern for writing this letter and supporting the mission. We want to let them know they’re awesome for taking a stand for justice, so we gave them a superhero makeover.


Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA) believes in the equal and inherent value of human life.

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Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA) supports the ideal that where you live shouldn’t determine whether you live.

We want these two to know we appreciate their work. Share these photos on Facebook and Twitter and tag them (@RepMcGovern and @RepEdRoyce) so they see how much we support them.

Here’s an example:

Thank you for introducing the counter-#LRA letter @RepMcGovern! You’re a superhero to me! (Make sure to add his photo!)

We’re also huge fans of the other 29 representatives who have signed on to the letter in support of the counter-LRA mission. Here’s a few of them:

Adam Schiff

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) has taken a stand for international justice.


Rep. Jim Moran (D-VA) supports the freedom of all people.


Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ) is protecting those affected by LRA violence in central Africa.

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Rep. Karen Bass (D-CA) is fighting against injustice.

Send a huge thank you to these defenders of justice who have signed on to the Counter-LRA Letter. And keep tweeting, calling and emailing your representative encouraging them to commit. If they sign on, we’ll make them their own hero photo.