This Sunday is all about moms. But for mothers, every day is about their children. Around the world, moms everywhere are working hard to make the world brighter for their children.
In central Africa, mothers are facing some of the toughest circumstances imaginable. In the face of unpredictable violence and poverty, Central African mothers are fighting hard to create a world for their children that is safer and better than their own.
At Invisible Children, we’re teaming up with dozens of moms across central Africa to equip them with the tools they need to build a better world for generations to come.
Moms like Suzanne.*

*Suzanne’s name has been changed and the faces of her and her son obscured to protect their identities.
Suzanne is a mom, but a child herself. In 2014, she was abducted by a group of Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) fighters from her home in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Against her will, she was given to an LRA fighter to be his “wife.” For the next three years, Suzanne lived in captivity, traveling north across the border into the Central African Republic (CAR). She eventually became pregnant and gave birth to a son.
Suzanne loves her son fiercely and was determined to make her way out of LRA captivity. She wanted her son to be safe and free. So, when the opportunity finally arose for her to escape with her son in late 2017, she bravely took the chance. Together, they snuck away from the rest of their LRA group and walked through the jungle for 15 days before reaching the town of Mboki, CAR. There, Invisible Children volunteers alerted our team to their escape. We were able to provide Suzanne and her child with support and care, track down their family in DRC and, eventually help them get home safe.
Suzanne has already given her son the gift of freedom, but her fight is far from over. As a young, single mother living in a remote and insecure community, Suzanne doesn’t have an easy life ahead of her. But, although she didn’t choose to become a mother when she did, she loves her son and continues to make the tough choices and work hard so that he doesn’t have to live in fear. And she’s not alone.
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