We always planned for our events to “bring it all together”. They simultaneously educated our supporters, while engaging political and cultural leaders — ultimately uniting people around the shared goal of permanently ending the LRA crisis . Through strength in numbers and power in creative action, we galvanized unprecedented attention to the LRA conflict and inspired action that changed culture, policy, and lives.

Past Events

See how young people around the world have rallied together in the past to bring attention to the LRA conflict.

Global Night Commute

April 29, 2006
80,000 attendees
125 U.S. Cities

Invisible Children’s first national event in which the youth of America walked to their city centers in approximately 125 cities to sleep outside in solidarity with the night commuters in Uganda. It was one of the biggest demonstrations in the United States on an issue in sub-Saharan Africa.

Displace Me

April 28, 2007
68,000 attendees
15 U.S. Cities

Invisible Children’s second national event and a response to the crisis in northern Uganda’s Internally Displaced Person Camps.

By the numbers

400,000 total participants across all events

125 U.S. cities participated in the Global Night Commute

91,000 people pledged to be silent for 25 hours

The Rescue

April 25, 2009 (Oprah rescued Chicago on May 1, 2009)
85,000 attendees
10 countries, nearly 100 cities

Invisible Children’s third event was international, The Rescue asked attendees to “abduct themselves for the abducted” until they were publicly rescued by a media mogul. Rescuers included Oprah Winfrey, Kristen Bell, Sen. James Inhofe and Rep. John Lewis.

‘25’ and Break the Silence

April 25, 2011
91,000 people pledged to be silent for 25 hours
30,000 people fundraised
18 events across the United States.

Participants pledged 25 hours of silence, one hour for each year of conflict in Central Africa, to spread awareness. The 25 hours ended with 18 events across the nation to ‘Break the Silence’ with musicians including David Archuleta, Mumford and Sons, Plain White Tees, etc.

Cover the Night

April 20, 2012
Every continent, dozens of countries

Participants went out into the night to promote justice for Joseph Kony with posters, street art, billboards, and more. But before that, they volunteered in their local communities to demonstrate that global advocacy starts at home.


November 17, 2012
Washington, DC

More than 12,000 people from around the world registered to rally in Washington, DC, for the Global Summit on the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) where leaders from major international institutions and the affected region met to talk about what it would take to stop Joseph Kony and his rebel army. After the summit, a sea of KONY 2012 shirts marched past the White House to the Washington Monument, displaying support for efforts to permanently end LRA violence.

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Rehabilitation Projects

Active 2012-Present Program remains active under the ownership of our partners at Invisible Children Uganda. Although the Lord’s Resistance Army left Uganda in 2006, the LRA continues to abduct children, forcing the girls to become wives to army commanders and…

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