This picture shows floating lanterns known as khom loi at Loi Karathong, a festival celebrated annually throughout Thailand. This festival can be traced back to 1863 and the tradition of the floating lanterns were originally adapted by Buddhists in Thailand as a ceremony to honor the original Buddha, Siddhartha Guatama. Apart from venerating the Buddha with light, the act of releasing the lantern is symbolic of letting go of all one’s grudges, anger and defilements, so that one can start life afresh on a better foot. The way I see it, we all could more ritualistic practices of letting go (or is that just me?) Maybe we (I) should do this monthly. Or weekly.

Loi Krathong takes place on the evening of the full moon of the 12th month in the traditional Thai lunar calendar, which in the western calendar usually falls in November. And not to fear – the lanterns are made out of rice paper and are biodegradable. I’m always looking out (fist bump).
