Michigan (not Detroit or the UP), Indiana, Ohio


Ugandan teammate: Olunya Richard Nyero

Self-proclaimed team motto: “I’m so FREAKIN’ EXCITED”
(Click here to see their video inspiration)

Welcome Team Great Lakes! I’m going to see how many times I can incorporate the word “great” into this interview…let’s start with what great place you’re from.

Katie Yost (KY): Charlotte, North Carolina

Briana Santos (BS): Stockton, California

Tim Fleming (TF): Suburbs of Boston. I have 3 sisters.

What a great tidbit, Tim!

Danielle Discepoli (DD): Cincinnati, Ohio

How did you find out about this great organization, Invisible Children?

KY: My high school was really involved with IC and that’s how I learned about it.

BS: I heard about it on the radio – a Schools for Schools winner was doing an interview with NPR. Then I went to The Rescue and How it Ends.

TF: I was goofing around on the Internet and stumbled upon IC’s website and impulsively bought a bracelet DVD.

DD: I was at a leadership conference in high school and saw a screening of The Rough Cut.

What is your greatest, most favorite movie of all time?

KY: The Lion King

BD: Across the Universe & Ocean’s 11

TF: The Graduate

DD: Legends of the Fall

What is the greatest superpower you could possess?

KY: The ability to fly.

BD: To breathe underwater.

TF: Be clean right away. I hate getting in my bed dirty but sometimes you’re just too tired to shower.

DD: Time Travel.

What great food would you eat for your last meal?

KY: Sweet Tea, and my mom’s Mac & Cheese.

BD: A massive dessert – ice cream, Choc banana cream pie, cookies.

TF: Any kind of Indian Food & Eggplant Parmesan.

DD: My mom’s lasagna.

Who is your celebrity crush?

KY: Jimmy Fallon

BD: Ryan. Is the last name even necessary? Ok, Gosling.

TF: Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling.

DD: Jake Gyllenhaal and Mila Kunis.

You probably don’t care what I think but those are all fantastic choices. I mean great choices. What is your greatest fear?

KY: Mayonnaise

BD: Being trapped in a car underwater.

TF: Germs

DD: Snakes & bridges that go over water.

What great adventures are you looking forward to the most on your road trip?

KY: I’m excited to go to Akron, Ohio because it’s Lebron James hometown.

BD: Driving out there.

TF: I’m stoked for Indianapolis because I’m booking there, and Western Michigan – we’re doing a brewery screening!

DD: I’m excited to show the team around my hometown and stay with my family and I’m speaking at my old high school.

Team Great Lakes, it has been truly great getting to know you! You’re going to experience amazing things on the road, err great things. Stop at nothing. Oh, and I said great 14 times in this interview. Great! 15.


Team Great Lakes wants to show you how great they are. Book a screening by calling them at (619) 562-2799 Ext 173 or fill out this form.