Patricia Akello
Invisible Children has helped me to become who I am today through my participation in the Legacy Scholarship Program. I have been in the program for three years, during which time I finished college with a degree in computer science. Although I have been involved with IC for awhile now, traveling with the NorCal Roadie team during the KONY 2012 tour was a life changing experience. On this tour we needed to know exactly what we were passionate about, stand up for it, and defend it with a clear conscience. My connection with IC and the passion that is in my heart allows me to move through any negativity that I have encountered while on this tour.
Being a Roadie is always an adventure. For me, trying new foods and seeing sights I had never before seen kept the adventure alive. I have never had the opportunity to interact with so many different people. It was amazing to know that people travel huge distances for a cause they deeply believe in. Knowing this allowed me to return to Uganda with the mentality of finding purpose and passion in every season of my life.
As life changing as this experience has been, I am very excited to go home. Everyone is going to have 101 questions about my experience. I am also excited to see my family upon my return. They have been so supportive of my adventure and work with Invisible Children. It is encouraging to know that, at my roots, people believe so much in what I am doing and are proud of me.
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