The night we found out we were all on Team Midwest, we connected on Facebook and the magic began almost immediately. Within minutes of being friends on Facebook, something became very clear. We all love dancing, justice, and parties… so our motto was birthed: #dancepartyofjustice. And ever since, we have been dancing.
We have been on the road for nine weeks now and our lives will forever be changed. We have experienced every emotion and feeling under the sun since KONY2012 has gone viral. We are watching the world change from the frontlines and advocating every single day for justice. It has been a season in each of our lives that we will tell our children about (or some of us will at least, Hayley keeps saying that she doesn’t want kids, but we all know that’s not true).
From the famous State Street in Madison to the Bean in Chicago, we are dancing for justice. Whether that’s Saul dancing because we finally got to eat Dorocos (what Taco Bell should have named their tacos with Doritos shells!) or in the back of the room during screenings when the trailer for Cover the Night comes on. We believe with everything we are that dancing is the universal language and if we dance for justice, then we know we are one with our friends dancing for justice in Uganda and the Congo.
This tour has been full of joy, sorrow, pain, growth, change, Chris being too emotional, but most of all… love. We are all learning to put our own needs behind us and serve others, whether that means serving one another or humanity as a whole by giving all we are for the rescue of Joseph Kony’s child soldiers.
We have been honored to be representatives of Invisible Children this past semester and so humbled to be a part of one of the largest movements in the world. Each of us has a story and our stories are being enriched by this time on the road, both individually and collectively. We are taking each moment and multiplying it and cherishing this chance to live life to the fullest extent possible.
Our tour has been full and is seen through the moments of laughing so hard we cry, every time Abbey will sing Polar Puppy at the top of her lungs, or each time Jane steps up on stage to share her world-shaking story with hundreds of students. We could not begin to explain the deep impact these few shorts weeks on the road have made on every one of us, but know this: we will never be the same. We are one and we dance as one.
We invite you to dance with us and join our #dancepartyofjustice.
With liberty bound together,
Jane, Hayley, Saul, Chris, and Abbey
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