What do you want to do before you die? That age-old question has inspired countless books, movies, TV shows, and millions of individual bucket lists around the world.

For former newspaper reporter Susan Spencer-Wendel, being diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) – or Lou Gehrig’s disease – was devastating news that forced her to confront her own mortality and she began chronicling a series of end-of-life travel adventures, rather than creating a conventional ‘bucket list’. On the agenda? See the Northern Lights, visit relatives in Cyprus, go to Hungary with her husband, and take her 14-year-old daughter to a bridal shop in New York to pick the dress her child will wear for that far-off wedding that Spencer-Wendel will never likely attend.

Susan Spencer-Wendel is writing a memoir entitled Breathe Deeply. She aims to have the book finished as quickly as possible as she is slowly losing the ability to speak and type.

By writing and sharing her journey, she’s challenging others to think about how they would live their own end days.

Invisible Children is all about living bold & adventurous lives, so when the question of bucket lists came up, our office had some pretty bold & adventurous ideas.

Among them – visit a rainforest, walk the Pacific Crest Trail from Mexico to Canada, swim in the Dead Sea, run the bases in Yankee Stadium, learn to speak French, invent an ice cream flavor, run with the bulls, go to an opening ceremony for the Olympics, rally race in the mountains, see Fleetwood Mac in concert, and assemble & live in a log cabin.

What are you going to do with the time you have?


Want to be further inspired? Check out The Buried Life. Four regular guys on a mission to complete a list of ‘100 Things To Do Before You Die’ and to help and encourage others to go after their own lists.