Call-in day instagram

Today is the day. We are calling, emailing, and tweeting our government representatives. We want the decision makers of the world to meet at the UN General Assembly and talk about how they’re going to work together to stop LRA violence.

Everyone–whether U.S. or international–can go to and find out exactly what to say and how to say it. The website has contact info for U.S. representatives and for approximately 25 heads of state around the world.

For U.S. citizens, we have a deadline. The last day your Representative can sign this letter is Thursday, so we need to make our calls well before then.

This is a list of the U.S Representatives who have signed on so far. Make it your mission to get your representative’s name on here before Thursday. Rally your neighborhood.  (And if your representative doesn’t sign the letter today, it’s okay to call them more than once.)

Noelle and Jedidiah called Jed’s representative on camera so that you can see how not-scary it is.

Want to know all the nitty gritty details of why it’s so important that we ask for this meeting? Learn More