Sometimes you just need a hug. And sometimes, that hug can start a revolution.

It all began with a 21-year-old Team Florida Roadie named Kevo.

This is Kevo.

He had a purple note next to his desk that read “Did you hug the Kevo today?”

He then established a Top 12 Target list that consisted of IC staff members he wanted to hug.

Fast forward a couple weeks to what has become a major sub-movement at Invisible Children (#HugKevo went viral, if you will). It has garnered astounding amounts of momentum in the office and has turned people hug-crazy. We’re talking hallway-hugs, staff meeting-hugs, Movement room-hugs.

Kevo getting a hug from our CEO Ben Keesey at a staff meeting

Kevo hugging our staff writer Krista

With our CFO Laura Walker

A hug sandwich from COO Chris Carver & Director of Programs Adam Finck

Consider this an invitation to start your own office hug sub-movement.
Hugs bring people together. Literally & figuratively.

And now a video proving that point.