It started innocently enough. A handful of us at Invisible Children that enjoy football thought it would be fun to start a Fantasy Football league. Yup, a fake league where we make up team names and draft NFL players and scream at the TV each weekend and get all competitive with each other during the work week. It seemed like such a fun, low-key idea at the beginning. We had no way of knowing how important it would become to our egos.

This is us drafting our players. You have not experienced stress until you’ve had to pick players before the draft clock runs out.

The person who scores the lowest points per week has to wear a pug T-shirt* & publish the picture on their social networks. No one wants to wear the pug shirt. We don’t wash it and wearing it just means you’re the loser. It’s not unheard of to receive trash talking emails during the week with clips from The League, and receiving all-knowing stares in the hall after your RB fumbled the ball three times. It’s introduced an entirely new kind of stress to the 10 of us.

I’ll keep you posted on the final result. Until then, think of us each weekend as you can be assured that we’re all refreshing our mobile devices every two minutes and yelling at football players who can’t hear us.


*Our CEO Ben Keesey hasn’t worn a T-shirt to work in…well, ever. So he’s the exception to the rule and will only wear it if he comes in last place at the end of the the season. We agreed to this since…well, he’s the CEO.