I have so much work to do. But I absolutely have to put it all on hold so I can write a blog post (read: write a love letter) about Taylor Swift.
My love affair with Taylor begin in 2006 with her song Tim McGraw. Life-changing, I tell you. Since then, I have memorized every lyric of every song on every album. I attended her concert when she came to San Diego in October 2011 and it was more or less like going to church. Besides my wedding day and the birth of my child, it was the best day ever. I’m only sort of kidding. Should I take this time to mention that I am 31 years old? You’re never too old to embrace Taylor Swift, people.

Oh hi Taylor. This is her singing “Love Story” at her concert in San Diego. I think I was crying. I can’t be sure. Photo credit: me & my iPhone
Her new album, RED, is everything I hoped it would be and more. It’s fun, profound, beautiful, heartbreaking, and filled with lyrics that I wish I wrote. Her new songs are currently blaring from just about every person’s office at IC. It makes coming to work even more fun because it’s as if she works here and just sings all day.
And now I would like to tell you a true story. Shortly after the release of KONY 2012, Taylor Swift tweeted about the film. Our Communications Dept was trying our best to respond to people that tweeted their support and thank them. I received a phone call from my assistant at 1:00am with the news that Taylor tweeted about us, and would I like to do the honors of tweeting back at her? Would I ever!
I proceeded to get out of bed and sit at my dining room table staring at my laptop and crying for 20 minutes. I am totally absolutely serious. This was my big moment. I was pretty sure Taylor would read the tweet and think, Whoever wrote that is so awesome and we should be best friends. Suffice to say, I managed to construct this tweet: Thank you @taylorswift13 for supporting #KONY2012 – for a moment a band of thieves in ripped up jeans got to rule the world #stopatnothing.
For anyone who knows Taylor’s songs as well as I do, you’ll notice that I was all sneaky and used a snippet of her lyrics from “Long Live” from her Speak Now album. I know, I know, I am so creative.

Taylor being all theatrical. Photo credit : me & my iPhone
Case in point: I love Taylor Swift and you should too. And Taylor, if you’re reading this, I think we should meet and become bestees.
(Photo Credit: Music City)
Think people should hear about this?