Action Alert


Everyone did such an incredible job tweeting the State Department yesterday. Our voices were heard, and the United States reaffirmed their commitment to stopping Joseph Kony and protecting civilians.

Now our sights are set on the African Union for them to continue their counter-LRA efforts and ensure that civilians remain protected.

Tweet away:


Ten days ago the government in Central African Republic was overthrown by the Seleka rebels. Because of this, the mission to stop the LRA is in jeopardy (learn more here).

In these next 48 hours, while governments decide how to respond to this event, we need to encourage Uganda and the United States to stand behind their commitments to stop the LRA.  This is the time to remind these decision makers, particularly Secretary of State John Kerry, of the commitments they have already made:

“I believe we can stop Joseph Kony if we focus on it intently, and we in the Foreign Relations Committee are increasingly going to up our level of that focus. We’re going to provide visibility to this issue, we’re going to try to push countries, and push our own government into recognizing that we have to commit more.” – John Kerry, speaking as chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, April 29, 2012

This is clearly important to Secretary Kerry, but today we have to remind him. To do that, tweet him this message and video link:

The mission led by the Ugandan military and supported by American advisers has been very effective, and we need to make sure it continues.

We just received this message from local leaders in Central African Republic:

“It is thanks to the presence of [the U.S. and Uganda] that our victims and survivors are now living in peace and tranquility. We thank the White House for its best understanding.” – Association of Host Families and of Solidarity for Victims and Survivors (AFASVR)

Last week the LRA released 28 women and children. In the last three years killings by the LRA have decreased 93%. To see LRA atrocities end for good, we have to stay committed and encourage our leaders to do the same.

Tweet  John Kerry right now, and get your friends to do the same. This is the day to make ourselves heard.