
I have progressively found that when I mention a random fact about Invisible Children to someone (friend, husband, person on the street), they’re surprised.
Thus, this helpful list of tidbits.

1. We have six offices in Africa (Bangui, Obo, Dungu, Gulu, Pader, and Kampala), and one in San Diego, CA.

2. We have been a company for 10 years.

3. We have made a total of 12 documentaries.
KONY 2012 was our 10th.

4. Yes, Jason Russell had a mental breakdown following the release of KONY 2012. Yes, he was naked on the street. No, he did not get arrested and was not on drugs.

5. We have awarded over 4,500 educational scholarships to Ugandan students since 2005.

6. Our recovery programs throughout East Africa include – but are not limited to — Adult Literacy (teaches people to read and write for the first time), and Schools for Schools (builds and renovates schools affected by the LRA).

7. Our programs are mainly funded by donations.
Those who give on a recurring monthly basis are Fourth Estate Members.

8. We have an Invisible Children online store that sells apparel, bags, jewelry, and films. Every penny of the proceeds fund our mission.

9. Our Art + Film team consists of 3 film editors, 2 graphic designers, and 2 animators. Their average age is 24 years old.

10. In an effort to protect innocent communities from LRA violence, we have programs throughout central Africa that warn people of impending attacks. We also broadcast radio messages & air-drop fliers that tell members of the LRA how and where to peacefully escape.

11. We have two office dogs. One of them has a cleft palate.

Learn more about IC by viewing our 2013 Year in Review.