

Children’s faces have been blurred to protect their identity.

This has been a record-breaking week in the pursuit to end LRA violence. Forty-six women and children were safely released by the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and are now on their way home. This is the largest group to return from the LRA since 2008. Some of the women had been held captive for 14 years and the youngest returnee was a one-week-old baby. Our staff in central Africa were among the first to welcome these women and their children into a new life of freedom.

We have received reports that the women and children were released by male LRA fighters with this message: if the children are well cared-for, then the male LRA combatants may also surrender.

The women have indicated that while in LRA captivity they had access to radios that broadcast Invisible Children’s “Come Home” messages. So, we want to target radio programming to the group of LRA fighters still in the bush to inform them that their children are safe and to encourage them to surrender. However, we have a short window of time to create and broadcast these messages, before the LRA group relocates.

Our 72-hour goal

Help us raise $30,000 to target radio programing to the group of LRA fighters still in the bush to inform them that their children are safe and to encourage them to surrender. We have a short window of time to create and broadcast these messages, before the LRA group relocates.


Help us bring more LRA fighters off the battlefield.

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