The service projects that people took part in leading up to Cover the Night made this event about so much more than creating awareness. We strengthened our bonds of humanity.

Students in Buffalo, NY clean up Delaware Park.

Handing out food to the homeless in Austin TX. Photo provided by Liz Zermeno.

Cleaning for Kony in Long Beach, CA. Thanks Kaitlyn Nelson for the photo!

Sarah Barnes window washing in North Park, CA.

If we had known, we would have gone. Photo provided by Mary Williams.

The Chapman IC Club washing cars in Orange, CA.

Richmond, VA serves their community using garden tools. Photo provided by Christian Miller.

@taychapman tweeted this picture while donating blood. Now that's what we call dedication to the cause.

Homeless Food Drive in NYC.

Taking part in the Relay for Life in Fullerton, CA. Photo provided by Amanda Gieser.

Lindsey Williams & her friends delivering flowers in Colorado Springs.

Want to see thousands more pictures from Cover the Night? Check out our CTN live feed below: