Throughout 2015, we called on you to speak up and urge your leaders in Washington to stay committed to ending Joseph Kony’s violence and helping communities in central Africa rebuild their lives. As usual, you stepped up to the plate big time.
Thousands of you participated in local lobby meetings (and looked great doing it, evidence below), made phone calls, and sent emails to your representatives in Congress. You even chalked a few sidewalks. Today, we’re excited to tell you about the huge wins in Washington you made possible, which will turn into life-saving support for communities targeted by Kony’s violence.

A few CITIZEN activists looking good at Senator Isakson’s office in Georgia.
Here’s what your dedicated advocacy accomplished in 2015:
+ Congress included $10 MILLION in the 2016 national budget to support LRA-affected communities. That money will go toward life-saving programs like civilian protection projects in central Africa and rehabilitation support for former LRA child soldiers.
+ Congress also included an additional $30 MILLION in the 2016 national budget to support efforts to end LRA violence and bring Joseph Kony to justice.
+ President Obama reauthorized the U.S. mission to help arrest Joseph Kony and end LRA violence for a full year.
Take a moment to celebrate these victories. You raised your voices and our leaders in Washington heard you. As a result, LRA-affected communities will receive urgently needed support this year.
Keep the momentum going. Take ONE MINUTE to ask your representatives to cosponsor the LRA Resolution (or to thank them if they have).
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