Many Central African communities don’t have the communication tools needed to warn each other of danger or regularly collaborate on strategies for improving safety. Invisible Children helps local peacebuilders in isolated areas communicate with one another, share information about threats to safety and intercommunal conflict, and employ locally-developed solutions to prevent violent conflict. 

This program began as a project of Congolese priest, Father Benoit Kinelegu, following the devastating Makombo Massacre in 2009. We partnered with Father Benoit in 2010 to help expand his work and continue work alongside his organization, Commission Diocésaine pour Justice et Paix (CDJP) to implement this program today.






By the numbers

More than 165 communities sharing information about intercommunal violence

230 local risk reduction strategies activated by early warning communication since 2017

297 Collaborative risk reduction strategies implemented by two or more communities since 2017

Information Sharing and Collaboration

We facilitate regular communication and information sharing between Peace Committees in historically isolated communities. This helps community members have a clearer understanding of what is happening outside their community that affects their safety. Regular communication also allows Peace Committees to share ideas and resources to make their communities safer and more resilient to violent conflict. 


Shared Action Plans for Reducing Risk

Invisible Children helps local Peace Committees work with nearby communities to address regional challenges. We facilitate regular planning among Peace Committees so that they can identify areas of shared risk, share resources, and work together to improve overall safety.


Invisible Children connects communities along the border region between eastern Central African Republic (CAR), northeastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and South Sudan to each other.

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